Recreational Membership
RM175 flat per month
No sign on fee.
No auto-subscription.
No time limits.
No contract.
No mandatory paid intro course.
No marketing gimmicks.
What does sharing a community space mean?
All Hours Access
Membership allows access during all operating hours. No limits. Stay as long as you like.
Monthly Learning Groups
Our makers & members volunteer to host study group events once every two weeks. Available for free to all members.
Funds Reinvested
Your RM175 directly pays for rental and overhead costs. The balance is not extracted as profit, but reinvested back into you!
Vote on Re-investments
As members, we are all responsible for the direction of the Coop. Vote on how profits are reinvested into tools, classes, or services.
Bring what you can
The Coop is a “potluck” tool library. Beyond using fees to purchase tools, we also rely on everyone to bring in & share what they have.
Mutual Learning Community
The best way to learn is to share with others. Working alongside professionals and hobbyists encourages mutual learning.
To provide equitable access to crafts:
We operate on sliding scale pricing
Supported (B40)
Fees are subsidised by Supporting members and sales of coop products.
My household earns RM5,000 or less a month
My family does not financially support me and I have an individual income of RM3,000 or less.
My income is used to support my family and/or relatives.
I am servicing PTPTN or car loans that leave me with minimal disposable income.
I rent lower-income housing.
Sustaining (M40)
Fees cover the operating cost of the coop
My household earns RM5,000 to 12,000 a month.
I am independent from family, and I earn an individual income of RM3,000 to RM6,000 a month.
My income supports my family, but is not critical to their essential needs
I have loans but they are manageable.
I rent or own the house I live in.
Supporting (T20)
Fees help support a fellow member in financial need
My household earns more than RM12,000 a month.
I am independent from family, and earn more than RM6,000 a month.
My household has family wealth / owns multiple properties.
My income supports my family, but I have significant disposable income remaining.
I own the house I live in / I rent high end property.
Want something more intensive?
Check out our other membership options.
are experienced full time craftspeople who are entitled to design house-products, make collection pieces, market sales, and legally own and steer the co-op.
Senior Crafters
are full time craftspeople (minimum 20 hr/wk) who prefer the security of a flat salary, and just want to make without all the management fuss and liability.
is for new makers seeking tutelage under a Maker Owner. Apprentices will be trained to build house-products and support the works of their respective Maker-Owner. This is a one year preparation for profession as an independent craftsperson.